Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Coffee Shop Start

Hazelnut Cream coffee. It's how it all starts. This is the motivation I need to begin to write. I have to come to some sort of coffee brewing establishment in order to feel like I can idea why. I think it has something to do with having the delusion of being a writer. I picture my favorite writers hanging out in ye old coffee shops, waxing over what has been on their mind and now needs to be put in print (in one form or another). Now...what the hell do I write? I think the best thing would be to set up goals for this relationship that we're about to begin, because we should all be striving to get something out of this. I want to talk to you about everything that pops up into my mind such as movies, religion, personal dilemmas, superheroes, comics, a desire to be an actor, etc. I want to see this become more of a dialogue with like-minded peoples as well as those not so like-minded. I hope to enrage some of you, depress you, move you to feel some things as I do and vice-versa.
The enraging begins now. Not to you, but to the good folk of Corner Bakery who are looking at me with my cup of coffee and not much else like I am a homeless vagrant pissing on their floor. The manager here loves to give me the stink-eye for sitting here. I am going to get food, but shit, I'm not hungry right now. My cup of coffee will suffice. For you, my newfound friends (and possibly enemies) I will see you soon.

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