Monday, March 30, 2009

How's My Driving?

Is it an inherent defect born into all Californians that being anywhere in, near or around traffic turns them into simple-minded idiots? How difficult is it to function in a city that is mostly made up of more cars than people? I’m sick to death of wondering if today is the day that an old lady doing 120 mph is going to barrel into the side of my luxurious sports car (read ‘99 Hyundai Elantra with two broken windows), or the critically stupid person who cannot figure out the subtle difference between green and red is going to sideswipe me and trust me it quite literally happens every day. I don’t think I should have to worry about my physical well-being whenever I drive in a city where there is no black ice, or white outs, but I do think that there should be some sort of stricter qualifications for driving in L.A. other than being able to point out a car in a parking lot. Our standards for vehicular safety are about as effective as color coding for national security. How many times a day do we pass an accident on the road, not the side of the road mind you, but spread across 3 of the 5 lanes of the freeway, and instead of being worried about the health of the person who was caught unawares by the mentally inept text messenger of death, we all slow down to stare and without fail another accident happens. This god-forsaken freeway system has desensitizes me as well as everyone else in L.A. We no longer care if someone has died, and in fact, there are times I’m hoping that there has been a death simply so I feel my time wasn’t wasted. L.A. has created a self-indulged driver out of me.

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