Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Elegy of Cassettes

I said goodbye today to the last real vestige of a former friend. It was weird because it was a mix tape (yes, screw you, I still have a tape deck in my car) that I don’t really listen to but has been in my tape player in my car for as long as I have had the car. I occasionally listen to it and drift back but lately the memories aren’t as vivid as they used to be. Anyways, the tape kept getting eaten, this is something that the youth of today has never had to experience; the shear terror of thinking that your tape had been destroyed, getting out a pencil and putting it eraser-end first and trying to rewind it. I kind of miss that, that personal connection you have with tapes. CD’s were sort of like that but once burning onto a computer became the norm the connection was severed. It meant something to you if you had a great tape that was lost to you because it was harder to replace it. Today was that day for me and my old friend. My villainous car ate my tape and no matter how I rewound it, it just kept eating it. When I reached my destination I literally took the tape out and said goodbye to her. Some memories need to be just that, memories, not constant reminders, especially when you were the prick.

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