Monday, April 13, 2009

My Easter Thoughts

When I was young I went to church and catholic school. I learned about God and “His” laws and believed unquestioningly, immediately. The mere threat of hell was enough to make sure I never took the lord’s name in vain. But I grew up.

When I was young I watched Sesame Street every morning. I learned about right and wrong and how to count lady bugs at the lady bug’s picnic. A bad attitude meant you were a monster living in a trash can and open mindedness meant you lived with your best friend who collected paperclips. But I grew up.

As such, I still took lessons from both that are with me today. I have good ideas about what is right and wrong. The blessing is I’m no longer encumbered by crazy shit that threatens my “soul”. I have come to a realization that I can be a good person and live a good life or not. I am kind of comforted by the fact that no one knows with any degree of certainty what awaits us when we die. Philosophers were speculating long before Jesus ever entered into the picture. Death should be a comforting idea rather than the most terrifying threat of your life wondering if your soul is going to burn for an eternity. Everyday you should be good with how you’ve lived your life so far, not for some unyieldingly violent deity but for your own conscience.

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