Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Unemployment for the Unemployed and Undesirable

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. It is a magic place and in this place magical happenings happens...kind of redundant I think. I find it increasingly harder to come up with interesting things to write about in a way that would amuse me, because if you've ever read anything of mine then you know my primary goal is to amuse, mainly myself, but if I happen upon a subject that is appealing to all then I feel good about that too. And as nobody ever reads these I am at liberty to say whatever the hell I feel like without fear of repercussions. I, of course, would never do or say anything to offend anyone as many of my friends will attest to...hehehe. All I'm saying is that nothing ever comes back to haunt you or bite you on the ass. That's all. On to what I like to refer to as the Holy Grail, a job. I can't find one doing anything. I moved to Ventura in June and have been looking damn near everyday for something, anything to bring in some sort of income, but alas, my cock is too small for porn and I'm too fugly to model, so my future looks bleak. But as the power of Christ compels me, I persevere. I'm living in a time where it runs you down looking for a minimum wage job to simply pay rent. I feel that now that I have my degree I should be better than that, I'm not, but I feel I should be. Does the fact that it all seems so bleak right now mean that it's broken or I am?

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