Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's New (?)

The question mark is in parenthesis because while I'm asking you what is new I am also painfully aware that as the writer of this blog I am also the only reader. So here's the update for me to me by me me me. I scoff at you, yes you who walks around without a care in the world, unaware that I used to be able to do that without worry myself. Now I am uninsured and life will be back to Advil and pain when I walk, sit, lay down, etc. You see, now that I am a college graduate, I am fucked. I can't get a job that suits me or my talents (my main talent is sarcasm and House M.D. already has writers). I want to write but lack the skill to get a job. I can't get a menial job that will dole out insurance. I can't be homeless because I'm quite fond of bathing and masturbating in private. For whatever reason I have become stuck in life. My part time job for Frito is great...for a kid in school, not a grown man looking to be proud of his life. My other job, which I'm getting to like more and more is teaching Taekwon-do. Can you see the difficulty of my situation? My legs stop working and I'm still supposed to teach some kid how to kick. Irony? Divine retribution? So that's my life's story, or maybe just the last couple days but at times that feels like a lifetime. How are you?

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