Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I feel I should dedicate a blog to this. While flying from NY to Cali this past May, we (my girlfriend and I) wathced tv on the moniters built into the back of the seats of the plane to bide our time. After realizing that even with a touchscreen option and a plethera of channels to peruse, there was nothing on. Anything good had to be purchased and, well, fuck that. So I decided to load up the infomercials and that's when I saw it, the P90X system. I was instantly hooked on the idea of getting it so, 3 days later, after I recovered from getting insanely sick while flying on the germ infested prison cell known as Delta, I googled it. Well, the desire went away when the price came onto the screen, but last week i was given it by Chi's brother. Totally cool of him! So I start my foray into fitness again. I sent in a letter to cancel my gym membership (yes, LA Fitness makes you send in a letter of resignation from working out, I swear to Christ they're like WalMart) and yesterday had my first P90X workout. I did Chest and Back in the afternoon and Ab Ripper X after I finished teaching Taekwon Do. I thought I was going to die doing the first bit (I love that feeling) I was completely dizzy and on the verge of throwing up, just the way a workout should be. I figure for this blog I'll post my results and/or workout results. So for yesterday, here it is;
38 standard pushups
6 wide grip pull-ups
19 military pushups
6 reverse grip pull-ups
20 wide pushups
5 front grip close pull-ups
17 decline pushups
15 heavy pants
15 diamond pushups
16 right hand
18 left hand
8 dive bomber pushups
4 back flys (weights too heavy)
4 wide grip pull ups
30 standard pushups
5 reverse grip pull ups
15 military push ups
4 front grip close pull ups
15 wide push ups
12 heavy pants
10 decline pushups
18 right
17 left
6 diamond pushups
8 back flys
9 dive bomber pushups

Plyometrics today!

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